Israel is grappling with an event of great magnitude in which hundreds of thousands of citizens were abruptly called up for prolonged and intensive reserve duty, leaving their routines behind.
Following October 7, approximately 20% of the country’s workers were mobilized for reserve combat duty and served for a prolonged and intensive period on Israel’s front lines. Some returned to their regular routines six weeks later, others after four months, and some have yet to return. When they do, many face great challenges: they can’t sleep, are unable to concentrate at work and struggle with a lack of meaning in their daily lives.
The gaps between those employees who served in combat reserve duty and those who remained behind on the home front may create tension in the workplace and must be addressed.
It is key to reintegrate and involve those who were mobilized in the processes that the workplace underwent in their absence and sustain a sense of belonging and alignment with the company’s goals. It is not just individual companies dealing with such issues, rather the entire Israeli economy now faces this unprecedented situation. Swift and targeted intervention is key to addressing it.
TRE is a simple technique that uses exercises to assist the body in releasing accumulated stress, tension and trauma.
to provide tools to strengthen employees' resilience at the somatic, emotional, and cognitive levels. Participants will engage in mindfulness, body scanning, muscle relaxation, and guided imagery to adopt coping mechanisms suitable to them.
which aim to release physical tension accumulated during service through both active (yoga) and passive (touch therapy) methods, and to induce relaxation through vagus nerve stimulation (sound healing).
led by therapists with expertise in trauma and focusing on the transition from military service to civilian life, addressing temporary symptoms and their normalization, as well as the challenges of returning to parental, marital, and professional roles.
First aid center for coping with trauma
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